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Old 03-19-2012, 01:49 AM   #1
canedriver   canedriver is offline
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Question for Obama Haters

Sorry I couldn't think of a more catchy title for the post.

What happens if the supreme court holds up Obamacare? Does it stop the rants of him violating the constitution or does it bring up conspiracy theories?

I am not interested in the right or wrong of the bill as we have discussed that, but does it change your view of Obama at all if the law is upheld?

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Old 03-19-2012, 06:32 AM   #2
ToeJam   ToeJam is offline
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I don't care who it is in office...if you make policies that restrict my freedoms or take industry from the private sector into federal hands, I'll be an opponent.
Even if the mandate is found to be constitutional, it puts too much power and industry in the hands of federal administrators and will create numerous inefficient bureaucracies. Like I've always said - show me one thing the feds run efficiently, and I'll consider agreeing with you on the feds running healthcare.

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Old 03-19-2012, 07:20 AM   #3
Loafer   Loafer is offline
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There are some O'bama haters and lovers on this site.

National Health coverage has been talked about for many years in Washington, D.C. It was just a matter of time before it has been pushed to the point it is at now.

Gay Marriage had been talked about for many years here before it finally was approved. I think 9 states now have approved it. The governor's of those states have or are taking a lot heat over the issue.

The guy standing in as President at the time these major issues come about, are always pegged as the bad guy.

I just hope if the Health Care bill is put all the way through, it isn't the last straw to our remaining a great country.
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Old 03-19-2012, 07:47 AM   #4
glwilson   glwilson is offline
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Our country has painted itself into a position of self-destruction. Obamacare will not work. It is a broken-plan.

However, without some controls to the healthcare issues at hand; this country is headed toward a brick-wall of fiscal demise.

There is no doubt there is a serious issue in the U.S. regarding the rising cost of healthcare.

I point my finger at the last several decades of politicians for letting this country down; while they did nothing but figure-out how they could work the system to become wealthy.

Talk about a separation of classes...

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Old 03-19-2012, 08:32 AM   #5
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I thought I threw a lit match into a gas can.

Those are pretty good responses.

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Old 03-19-2012, 09:22 AM   #6
Netnorske   Netnorske is offline
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This admninstration has over-reached, over-promised and under-delivered in just about everything they have done....with one exception. Obama promised to change the way America does its business...and he has certainly done that. We are all a little less free and/or independent as a result.

The healthcare law is a debacle and will cost twice as much as advertised (like that's a surprise)....and his energy policy is a total disaster. Consider this....man has been around for tens of thousands of years, but most all of our technological advances have come in the last 100 or so. With enough fossil fuels under our own soil to last over 300 years....within our own borders....it makes zero sense to not make every last use of them until such time that technology and the PRIVATE SECTOR makes green energy a more viable option....which left to entrepreneurs will most certainly happen....maybe even in our lifetimes.

The technological advances that can be expected over the next 100 years will make the last 100 look like a kindergarden experiment. Who knows...maybe in 20 years you will fill your tank with water and add a small amount of some powdered algae substance....then getting 80 miles per gallon on that. I mean...it COULD happen....but we're not there yet. We will get there for sure, but letting our economy suffer and overseas countries dictate oil supplies and prices that get passed on to the consumer is simply indefensible at best, negligent at worst. While Obama talks about a good energy policy....like most things he does....he does just the opposite and makes it more difficult for oil exploration and delivery. Look no further than the Keystone Pipeline project.
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Old 03-19-2012, 09:37 AM   #7
NRiderUSA   NRiderUSA is offline
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I guess Pelosi summed it up when she said "We will have to pass it to find out whats in it"..... so far it was so misrepresented in facts to "Force" it through, it wasnt passed bi-partisan it was passed by one party who ignored input to improve it from the other party....and I do mean ignored.
It was pushed through with a either vote for it as is... or your the party of no.

So without going into misdirection of details everyone should know, irrelevant of what the supreme court does.... it was sold on a bundle of lies and when the opponents pointed out the lies they were called the liars..... Turns out the liars were telling the truth and the ones calling them liars were the ones lying.
Its costing at least twice as much as promised, its not going to cover everyone, you cant keep your exisiting insurance cause it will run companies out of buisness trying to compete.... there are so many Socialistic value based ideas in it its scary.

Its not a tax when they didnt want to be tagged as raising taxes or cant pass it as tax BUT its a tax when the law say's the procedure for taxing has to be done differently.... moving target depending on which question is asked and what obsticle it hits.

They cant force Americans to buy something, so Presto Chango, its back to being a tax again.....if they change the wording its not forcing anyone to do anything if you make sure they dont have any other options so you have to buy it. And if that wont work lets find a different way to push it through as a different definition of something else...... the plan was to get it.....period as their continued moving target of what is actually is keeps proving....

So its a tax but not a tax etc etc , which is just another con artists way to find a way to slide it through the system without having the system work as it was designed. as a matter of fact DESPITE the way the system was designed to prevent this kind of stuff, they still managed and are still perpetuating it depending on what opposition comes up next...

We are being run by lawyers and loop holes legislation, and if there isnt a loop hole there, they will make it.

Right or wrong no longer is an issue with our politicians it would seem by the examples being set....... Is the Supreme court

I heard someone discribe the situation the other day comparing it to someone who won the lottery and now they are buying everything they ever wanted in their whole life......seems like that is pretty much on target.

Sum it up.... it is what it is and obviously the momentum cant be changed when everyone in power is of like minds that America is not what they think America should be....

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Last edited by NRiderUSA; 03-19-2012 at 09:54 AM.
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Old 03-19-2012, 09:43 AM   #8
blowndodge   blowndodge is offline
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Never in the History has our Gov't created a industry that worked. O'bama claimed the health care bill was created to fix Medicare... another Fed ran program that is littered in fraud. So he's created another? And why the "exemptions" if it's such a good idea? The founding fathers of the U.S. drafted the constitution to LIMIT the power of the Federal Gov't not expand.

I really thought O'Bama was going to be a person that could repair race relations, and be a turning point in our society of tolerance. Unfortunately some of his decisions have only made it worse, not better. Whoever is in office and promises to shrink the size of Gov't has my vote.. Bill Clinton in his last term did a great job. I could say because of the Congress's wipe out in the mid-term election but I'll give Bill credit.

Listen to him today and when really pressed about O'Bama's leadership skills he avoids the question.
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Old 03-19-2012, 09:57 AM   #9
canedriver   canedriver is offline
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Ummm republicans have never passed a law in congress that was take it or leave it?

If the health care passes it's going to take a republican nominated judge to do it. I know I cant wait for next Monday to see the arguments.
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Old 03-19-2012, 10:10 AM   #10
NRiderUSA   NRiderUSA is offline
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Originally Posted by canedriver View Post
Ummm republicans have never passed a law in congress that was take it or leave it?

If the health care passes it's going to take a republican nominated judge to do it. I know I cant wait for next Monday to see the arguments.
You still spinning again, apples to oranges.

I guess your agreeing with all the other facts stated since you did not dispute them, not that you could.......but, doesnt that concern you at all?

Plus, Give me an example of a 2.6 Trillion dollars take it or leave it any President either side shoved down with almost 100% single party,
with 67% of Americans saying they didnt want........

One last question, why did you choose the term "haters", would not it have been less leftist and more accurate to use the term for those who "Disagree" with Obama?

I know it goes against your training, but not everyone who disagrees with anyone hates them... thats a propaganda tactic used by the left despite the fact that it isnt true and to keep programmed supporters from engaging in the dangerous act of discussing details with other view points that might open their eyes to the lies they have been told.
Not to mention it keeps racism alive and well and strengthens the party if you keep repeating the same unfounded crap.

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
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Last edited by NRiderUSA; 03-19-2012 at 01:21 PM.
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Old 03-19-2012, 01:23 PM   #11
blowndodge   blowndodge is offline
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C'mon Cane. We gave you some good answers and most of us held out some hope. Your playing spin the bottle with Republicans. Conservatives want less gov't intervention. If that's your issue then ok..

BTW, O'Bamacare has no chance in hell of passing the SCOTUS. As you commented when you said if it is deemed constitutional would we think "conspiracy theories". If it is deemed Unconstitutional would you think "conservative bench"????
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Old 03-19-2012, 01:29 PM   #12
canedriver   canedriver is offline
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Umm thats not spinning when I say he isnt the first president to do that.

Hell look at members of the senate who hold house bills hostage until they tack on little bill to make money on the side. I am just saying that's not a valid argument. It has been done before. Maybe not to the tune of 2 trillion dollars but what other bill has effected something that's equal to 17% of gdp. Hell want to compare some more? What bill has ever been passed to address something that's accounting for almost 50% of bankruptcies?

Medical care as it stands right now outpaces wages and inflation.

I get your point of it doesnt matter if they did it then why should he do it. I dont agree with it but i understand the point. My question does that sentiment now make it ok NOT to try and fix something that is obviously broken?

Same reasoning with the question of name a government entity that has ever turned a profit. Just because of past failures does it then make it ok NOT to try and address a need? Healthcare isn't a want it is a need.

Off topic though, I just wanted to know if it changes your view of Obama. I think my answer has been given.
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Old 03-19-2012, 01:30 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by blowndodge View Post
Conservatives want less gov't intervention.
Too bad the Republican party doesn't believe in this. Wasn't the "Patriot Act" submitted by Bush?
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Old 03-19-2012, 02:13 PM   #14
NRiderUSA   NRiderUSA is offline
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Well, considering the situation at the time I truly find it hard to believe your comparing that to this.....apples and oranges again.
Do you know why and what happened to do it?

Our country was attacked from outside sources which is opposite of the problem we have now of it being attacked by inside sources....:)

Also there is a minor detail that your leaving out that totally makes it completely different in the FACT that it was done bi-partisan....unlike Obama Care force feed situation.

During the weeks immediately following the 9/11 attacks, comprehensive legislation to close the loopholes in America's existing national-security laws was drafted in the form of the USA PATRIOT Act, which passed with a lone dissenting vote in the Senate and a mere 66 (out of 435) dissenting votes in the House of Representatives.

You should read it... kind of eye opening details that you probably arent aware of.... and to prevent Foxaphobic reaction its not a Fox article. (notice the close loopholes part?)

Want to know who voted?
Here's the role call for 2001 and 2006 who did and didnt...again, notice the little detail of how many did vote for it, and both parties agreed that it was a good and needed thing.. I didnt bother looking up the 2011 Obama extention.

And just as a teaser.... did you know how many Obama played it safe on votes when he was a Senator? Cant get caught if you dont pick a side can you?
Obama didn't vote 228 of the 568 times (40.1%) he could have voted for during his total time in the senate......hard to really see where one stands if they dont.

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
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Last edited by NRiderUSA; 03-19-2012 at 03:09 PM.
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Old 03-19-2012, 03:03 PM   #15
blowndodge   blowndodge is offline
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Changes our view? If he tried to balance the budget it would. If he quit apologizing to countries about our role in the world it would.

Healthcare trying to address a need? by who's definition is it a need? I say it's a "want" not a need. The constitution protects Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness; Not healthcare. If a person makes the decision to smoke and that leads to lung cancer and you expect "Healthcare" or "American Taxpayers" to pay for it then your really different than the way I feel.
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